Swinging her weave onstage for 2 hours is back breaking work. Maybe that’s why Beyonce stuffed her face with 20 chicken wings and 3 whole chickens recently? According to Twitter, Beyonce recently visited the world famous Nando’s Chicken Restaurant while in the UK on tour.

While in the restaurant, Beyonce rang up a total of £1,44.10 ($2,263) after stuffing her face with 20 wings, 3 whole chickens and side orders of cole slaw, rice and potato chips. The receipt of her purchase quickly made its way around the Internet.

Celebuzz and other media outlets called the number on the receipt to verify it was Beyonce who made the unreal purchase. Yup, it was her all right. No wonder Beyonce is so energetic during her shows. She has to burn off all those extra calories!

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