When two small white mice are dropped into a snake enclosure at a Chinese zoo, it's sad - but predictable - what will eventually happen.

The snakes had just woken from a long hibernation and the little mice were their first meals.

But what spectators weren't expecting was a surprise counter attack from one of the fury underdogs.

This brave little mouse did everything in its power to try to save its companion after it was attacked by a hungry green snake. see more below...

It jumped onto the reptile's head as it prepared to devour the litte creature, hopping on and off.
It sniffed and scurried around its rigid friend and continued to jump onto the snake's head.

Desperate to save its companion, the little white mouse appeared to be trying to pull the other from the jaws of the snake
It continued to scurry around its companion, trying everything in its power to help

When it became apparent its efforts were in vain, the second mouse scurried off to the far corner leaving its companion to be consumed by the snake

But sadly his valiant efforts were in vain, as before long the snake, which had just woken from a long hibernation and subsequent fast, had swallowed the little creature whole.

Despite the mouse's best efforts, it was no match for the hungry snake who continued to devour its companion

Sadly, for the second mouse, fate was not on its side either. After failing to save its companion, it ran to hide on the far side of the enclosure.

But it did no take long before a second hungry snake awoke and devoured the brave little thing.

Tragic: Sadly for the second mouse, it didn't take long before another snake awoke and then devoured it
The remarkable, but tragic, feeding encounter was witnessed at Hangzhou Zoo, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

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