BRITNEY Spears is set to cancel her wedding to Jason Trawick, according to a new report.

Sources say the singer is wondering if her relationship is nothing but a business deal cooked up by her dad.
“I think Britney’s father hired Jason to be her watchdog from the very beginning,” said a close source.

“If that’s true, and she’s finally figured that out, she will call off their wedding.”
After Britney’s mental breakdown in early 2008, her father Jamie became her legal conservator. But he got tired of keeping tabs on her and hired Jason as her agent at William Morris, said the source.

“Jamie wanted Britney to fall for Jason so he wouldn’t have to be with her all the time,” explained the source.

“As Britney’s court-appointed guardian, Jason is basically paid to be her keeper, and it seems like he’s at her side all the time.
“Britney doesn’t like it, but she has no choice.

“I think Britney suspects that her father and Jason were playing her. Is her relationship with Jason about business or love?”

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