Shoes fitted with a miniature GPS system to locate Alzheimer's patients have gone on sale in Britain, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

The shoes enable the person with Alzheimer's to be monitored remotely. The 250-pound shoes are fitted with a device - similar to those used in
sat-nav systems found in cars.

Family members use an app downloaded to a smart phone or computer to find out the location of the missing person.

The GPS is implanted in the heel of the shoe. The device contains a battery, SIM card (that tracks the wearer) and an integrated chip to help the device function, Mail said.
The antenna and a USB connection to charge the shoes runs up the back heel of the shoe. The shoes need charging roughly every two days, a process that takes roughly two hours.

American company GTX Corp is marketing the footwear range Aetrex Navistar GPS Shoes.

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